About Me

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I am a History Teacher at Providence hall Jr. High Charter school. I have a love for helping students reach their potential. I created this blog in order to showcase my ideas for my classroom. Only a few of these lessons have been tested in an actual classroom and any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for visiting, Mr. Owen

Saturday, February 23, 2013

What We Know and What We Wont to Know

What we know and what we want to know
 The ideas for this lesson come from Values Clarifications: a Handbook of Practical Strategies for teachers and Students (Simon©1972) Strategy Number 65 

Standards Covered 
 Idaho: G 4.2 /4.4
 Utah: G 4.2 /4.3
This lesson will be a starter lessons for most any subject I will use Election Possesses.
Have students Brain storm individually and write on a scratch paper or work sheet what do you know about the Election Presses? Local, State, and National offices etc…(can be substituted for any unit or lesson)

After a few minutes have two students come up to scribe on the board (two students are better because it will keep Ideas flowing without as much interruption in writing. Have students share answers and write them all down true or not. Clarification will come latter.

Once all answers are written, ask what don’t you know about Election Process and make another list these will be in the forms of questions.

Have students organize the knows and don’t knows into logical clusters and teacher talks about the different clusters and corrects some of the misconceptions and assigns reports based on the lists created by the class
Begin by looking in books if possible reserve time at the computer lab or media center.  Reports do not need to be long one or two pages in order to answer the question …

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