PLC (Professional Learning Community) Meeting Agenda after primary curriculum has been determined
and assessment has begun. Adapted from notes on guest speaker Doug Snow Logan
City School District 9/20/2010
Five Steps:
Step 1-collect and chart data
Step 2-analyze strengths and obstacles
Step 3-Establish goals: set, review, revise
Step 4-Select instructional strategies
Step 5-Determine results indicators
Assessment Analysis Sheet for Goal #1
#of students that took assessment
#students Proficient
%Students Proficient
#Students Not Proficient
% Students Not Proficient
# and names of students likely to be proficient after
instruction- students who are relay close
# and names of students likely to be proficient after
instruction-student who have fare to go
# and names of students Not likely to be proficient after
instruction- students in need of extensive support
Have fellow teachers collect data and discus results as a
team, other teachers may have insight or know the student and how to help them
Cause Data Tracking Sheet for Assessment
% of h/w devoted to writing in content area
%of effective teaching strategies that are deliberately used to support learning goals
% of lesson plans that were collectively created
% attendance at data team meetings
Did you use the common scoring rubric?
Did you score the assessment collectively?
Is the assessment connected to “Power Standards”?
This Cart can be used to show the effectiveness of the PLC
and how the outcomes came about.
As PLC’s Make Goals they need to fallow S.M.A.R.T.
Goals: Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Realistic and Time Framed