The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide
learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social and personal
Statement: All
students are at different levels of development, psychologically, physically,
and in their education. Teachers must realize the implications of having a
diverse classroom with many forms of learning and levels of development. We
cannot just cater to one level or the other. This means that we must create
flexible learning environments to help all students’ progress to the next level
of development, in content or other educational aspects.
Artifact 1:
Progressive DBQ
In this Document
Based Question, students will take five or so primary source documents from the
turn of the nineteenth century dealing with the immigration. This was an
important time in American history where immigration was, for the first time,
extremely large numbers of immigrants from non-Anglo countries coming to the
United States, much like today.
Using the
information provided and any prior knowledge answer the following questions: What
was the view that many Americans had about immigrants during this time period?
and How would this affect the lives of these new immigrants during this time
period? Students will learn to interpret different documents and communicate
their interpretations. This document based question has helped students to
develop their ability to critically analyze primary sources, and increase their
level of thinking.
This document
based question can be used as an underlying unit project, or the documents can
be broken up and used to enrich lessons with group work. I have not used this
in a classroom but I have implemented aspects of this lesson into other lesson
plans that I have developed. It is not perfect but it is important for students
to learn how to look at primary sources and see what was going on with the
people in history during certain historical events. Improvement of this document
based question can come in time. These improvements can include better wording
of the question and finding new, better and more documents.
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