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I am a History Teacher at Providence hall Jr. High Charter school. I have a love for helping students reach their potential. I created this blog in order to showcase my ideas for my classroom. Only a few of these lessons have been tested in an actual classroom and any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for visiting, Mr. Owen

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Memorial Project

This is a fun way to get students thinking about symbolism and remembering the past. It also gives students the freedom to choose how they would like to present their research. For this project I put it into Utah's Struggle for Statehood, but it could be adapted for almost any unit. They begin by selecting a topic within Utah's Territorial time frame to research. Then they select the the way that they would like to present their research; drawing out in detail a memorial (or building a small replica),  designing installation art, or a miscellaneous/ performance (interpretive dance, monolog, musical composition, or something else). They then do the research, write a process paper explaining their symbolism and present it to the class.

This is the Place Monument commemorating the Mormon Pioneers entry into the Salt Lake Valley and all of the other explorers before.

Resembles a weeping willow in Budapest, Hungary.  On each metal leaf is a name of a Hungarian Jew who die in the Holocaust.

The memorial at Iwo Jima to remember the United States victory at Iwo Jima.  The sculpture is based off of the famous picture taken the day of the victory.

 Installation Art

This is an installation art piece that represents the Japanese Internment in the United States during World War II.  Many people who were Japanese or of Japanese descent on the West Coast were forced from their homes and sent to internment camps until the end of the war.  This art piece is a collection of luggage tags that the Japanese had to put on their suitcases.  It shows the number of people that were sent away.

This installation art piece is in remembrance of 9/11.  "In observance of the tenth anniversary of 9/11, Illegal Art has marked each of the 110 floors on the sidewalk with chalk, starting at 5th Avenue and 14th Street and heading north for 1,368 feet (417 meters), the height of the taller of the two towers.  Passersby, like yourself, are encouraged to walk the height of the once standing building along 5th Avenue and write any words that expresses your feeling or experience related to 9/11."

This the Rubric and information that is given to students:

 Remembering Events of Utah History
The State of Utah has decided that people are forgetting what happened many events that happened in Utah History.  You will compete in this competition choosing to create one of the following a memorial, an installation art piece, or a miscellaneous project.  Below are the requirements for each category.  IN TOTAL YOUR PROJECT IS WORTH 45 POINTS

Step 1: Choose form one of the following topics:

Utah War
Mountain Meadows Massacre
The Walker War
Utah Black Hawk War
Trans Continental Railroad             
Coop. Stores
Mining in Utah
Pony Express

Step 2: Pick a Genre
A memorial is an object, which serves as a focus for memory of something or someone.  Examples are plaques, sculptures, monuments, statues, fountains, or parks.  (You cannot do a plaque or a park – nor can you simply do a statue of an American Indian).  Memorials are often very symbolic in their design.  For example, some Holocaust memorials include barbed wire, symbolizing the wire used to contain them.  If you choose to do a memorial you must have:

______  A well-drawn design of your memorial (this is not a quick drawing) (20
______  An incorporated symbol that has a connection to your topic (5 points)
______  A one-page typed description that includes: (20 points total)
            ______ HOW and WHY you chose your design (5 points)
            ______ What is your incorporated symbol and why did you choose it (8
            ______ A location for your memorial (where would you put it and why) (2
            ______Sources and Research What happened! (5 points)

“Installation” art is an art piece that is 3-D that can be found within a museum or in a site-specific space.  While a memorial has symbolic elements, “installation” art is completely symbolic and raises awareness.  It also can be interactive.  It is art that really makes the viewer think about what is symbolizes, but it also makes them look inward.  If you choose to do an “installation” art piece you must have:

______  A well-drawn design of your “installation” art (this is not a quick drawing)  
            (20 points)
______  Symbolism (How is it symbolic) (10 points)
______  A one-page typed description that includes: (15 points total)
            ______ HOW and WHY you chose your design (3 points)
            ______ Describe how your art is symbolic and what you want your viewers to
                       experience (5 points)
            ______ A location for your “installation” art (where would you put it and why)
                       (2 points)
______Sources and Research What happened! (5 points)

We know that there are those of you out there that have other talents that may not fall into the 3 categories above and we would like to give you the chance to participate as well.  In this category you may: write a song (music and/or lyrics), choreograph a dance, write a spoken word poem or write a 5 minute monologue (each recorded and sent to Mr. Owen  (See me for examples) If you choose to participate in this category you must have:

______  A recording of the piece (20 points)
______  A one-page typed description (25 point total)
            ______ HOW and WHY you chose this particular form of art (8 points)
            ______ Your process in creating this art piece (6 points)
            ______ What do you hope your audience will feel and take away from
           seeing/hearing your performance (6  points)
            ______Sources and Research What happened! (5 points)

Step 3: Research Topic and complete requirements for your chosen Medium.

Step 4: 2-5 minute presentation about your Project.