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I am a History Teacher at Providence hall Jr. High Charter school. I have a love for helping students reach their potential. I created this blog in order to showcase my ideas for my classroom. Only a few of these lessons have been tested in an actual classroom and any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for visiting, Mr. Owen

Sunday, July 22, 2012

English Revolution

This lesson was also done during my student teaching and had a work sheet form the book and was used as a correcting/ lecture  and had a slide show to go along with it. We also watched clips form the movie "Cromwell".
English Revolution
Magna Charta: 400 years of rights Council of Nobles, Trial by Jury, No New TAXES
                Council of nobles became: Parliament= House of Lords and House of Commons
                Gained more and more rights they were more of a rubber stamp for the kings and queens with the power starting with the king and his power, they decided when the parliament meets and ends (Today Governors and Presidents can do the same, but they don’t do it except  in extreme circumstances)
James I- King of England and Scotland had the Bible translated into English to unify his power under the Church of England (not a great guy)
Charles I – Allied with catholic  Devine Rights of kings
Demands Denighed = Civil War Story
Most didn’t care who won until it went on and on and destroyed harvests. And 100,000 people lost their lives
Cromwell puritan almost went to New England
Charles I found Guilty and beheaded
Cromwell didn’t do any better than the king
Got rid of most of the Parliament only Praise- God Barebones
Cromwell’s son only lasted one year Hickry Dicary Dock
Invited Charles II to come back oldest son of Charles I oh we will behead Cromwell’s corps too…
Strictly Catholic but had no children nor could catholic hold office died naturally
Brother James II first wife Protestant second Wife Catholic came out open Catholic No son oldest Daughter protestant and in line to be queen
Political Parties Radical =Whigs vs. Tories (Conservatives)
James II story of son James III – Glorious Revolution no Blood spilt Mary and William of Orange form Holland, Mary was the protestant daughter of James II

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