Utah Studies
Geography of Utah Unit Plan
The Big Questions:
Why did Utah Settlers settle were they in the mountain valleys? And how
does Utah’s land affect the way we live?
Rational: All People need to have the ability to read and understand
maps, as well as understanding conservation and our natural resources.
Lesson Name
Brief Description
Primary Objectives
Secondary Objectives
(2 p)
I; 1: a b c
Groups of 3 will give a 5 minute presentation on what they found to
be important from packets on cities or landmarks of Utah. Go through the
counties, cities, landmarks etc.
Students will be acquainted with were Utah cities and landmarks are
located regionally
Students will be able to read a map, learn the Counties of Utah
Map & County Quiz
Settling Utah
(1 p)
I;1: c 4: a b c
Look at growth in the cities and Counties in Utah, discussion on
major building projects and the people that live in the counties and how it
has changed their way of life, tell stories about settlement of Utah with
Eastern city people moving to Southern Utah and Northern Utah etc.
Students will be able to identify the counties of Utah, with their
counties’ seats
Students will understand how people change landscape and how
landscapes change people
County Quiz
The Wide Range of Utah’s
I; 2: a c d e
Watch Our Interior sea
The GSL. Students will learn about Deserts and Mts and what lives
there what the range of temp is and precipitation
Students will understand how elevation and latitude effect the Utah
Next days starter question
Forming the Landscape of Utah
I; 2:b f
Geology! Basin and Range Formation, Earthquakes, erosion and the
Colorado Plato
Students will be able to explain the formation of major landforms of
Students will understand how land formations effect Utah’s
Test Question
Utah’s Natural recourses
I; 3: a b c d
If possible have a representative from the BLM come and present to
the class, if not explain the difference between renewable resources and nonrenewable
and of course WATER!!!
Students will learn the importance of Utah’s Natural Resources and
understand the need for conservation
Exit slips: 3 things you fill was most important form the speaker?
I;1:c, 2:b, 3, 4:b c
Play a version of Settlers of Catan with variation w/ water as the
key factor and canals as the tool to transport water to arid regions of the
Students should understand the importance of Utah’s natural recourses
and understanding of why Utah Settlers settled were they did
students will understand the importance Utah’s recourses play in the
American West
Participation in the Game and Debriefing essay
Review and Test
Give Study Guide or review sheet and have one period for Review game
Be prepared for the test and testing environment
Have extra credit w/s for those that finish early
Multiple Choice, Matching, & short answer
Total days to complete Unit approximately 10-12 Periods
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