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I am a History Teacher at Providence hall Jr. High Charter school. I have a love for helping students reach their potential. I created this blog in order to showcase my ideas for my classroom. Only a few of these lessons have been tested in an actual classroom and any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for visiting, Mr. Owen

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

WWII Lesson II

Lesson 2

Lesson Design Template

1.    What is it we want all students to learn—by grade level, by course, and by unit of instruction?
Establish Essential Standards
(Bulleted list of measureable outcomes)
Students will understand . . .
-Pearl Harbor and how it affected the intervention of the US in WWII

Students will be able to . . .
-Critically analyze what lead up to Pearl Harbor
-Share ideas in a group
What are possible “Good to Know” topics?
Philippines, Midway, Island Hopping

What are possible “Good to Do” topics?
A small one page research paper on a battle of the pacific to share with class.

2.   How will we know when each student has learned—that is, has acquired the knowledge, skills, and dispositions deemed essential?
Types of Formative Assessment

1. Why do you think the United States was so concerned about Japanese expansion into Southeast Asia?
2. How were Japanese airplanes able to approach Pearl Harbor without being detected? And What should have been done beforehand to minimize the destruction that occurred when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?
3. How did this attack push the US into Intervention in WWII?

You are a member of the US Navy in 1941, stationed at Pearl Harbor. Write a Letter Home about why we must now go to war due to the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Evidence of Proficiency

Each group is able to convey their reactions, and understandings of the content.

Every student is able to use historical evidence of the bombing of Pearl Harbor in their letter home.

Types of Summative Assessments

What was the significance of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
a) It ended the conflict between Germany and Japan.
b) It made the United States decide to enter WWII.
c) It changed the way that the world viewed war and weaponry.
d) It killed many US navy and forced the US army to fill in for the loss.

Why was the US so uneasy about the Japanese expansion in Southeast Asia?
a) US economic interests in the area
b) Loss of ally in the area
c) German takeover of the East
d) Approaching contact with US territories

Reflection of letter: Now that you have seen the end of the war. Write a follow-up letter to your family giving your opinion 1-whether it was effective or not to enter the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and 2-if the Japanese deserved the nuclear bombing that they received to end the war.
Evidence of Proficiency

80% of the students answer correctly

4-Both questions answered using historical evidence to support their opinion.
3- One question is answered using historical evidence to support their opinion.
2-Both questions answered without using historical evidence to support their opinion
1-One question is answered without using historical evidence to support their opinion.

3.            What are the best ways to teach what all students need to know and be able to do?
Learning Activities for All Students

Lecture on
-Lead-ins to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
-December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor- events of day
-effect this event had on Isolationism pushing them to Intervention
During the lecture we will stop and have the students perform a think - pair – share to check for understanding. Students will also fill out a flow chart worksheet showing the logical progression from one event to another leading to Pearl Harbor.
Then the students will be asked to write a letter to a family member as if they were in the Navy at Pearl Harbor and explain to them why we must enter the war.

4.            How will we respond when students experience initial difficulty in their learning?
Outline for Activities for Students Who Did Not Understand or Who Partially Understand
Possible stem: “If you did not understand this concept, I would suggest that you…”

Have the students watch a documentary about Pearl Harbor, to understand events.
     “Pearl Harbor, 2001” Directed by Michael Bay

5.            How will we enrich and extend the learning for students who are already proficient?
Activities for Enrichments and Extensions
Possible stem: “If you are ready for a challenge, I would suggest that you…”

-Have the students analyze primary sources of Journals/ Letters home from Pearl Harbor.

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