Students really enjoyed paying this gave after understanding of the game they enjoyed it. I also had to take out the canals portion of the game until students understand the basic way to play. I mad the game out of laminated folders, and they used expo markers to draw their settlements, roads, and cites. I put most of the focus on the need for resources to be sell sufficient like the Utah Settlers so that they wont need to rely on shipments to Utah, especially in the time before the railroad. Opening it up to every aspect of history...
UT Studies
Geography of Utah:
Settlers of the Great Basin
Standards: UT S 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4
Rational: living in the American West Water and other natural resources are a hot topic as cities grow and development explains away from
water sources.
Objective: Students should understand the importance of
Utah’s natural resources and come to an understanding of why Utah Settlers settled
were they did.
Secondary objectives: students will come to see the
importance Utah’s resources play in the American West.
Fore-Knowledge: Students should know the locations of major
Cities in Utah and SW as well as some new developments in the desert.
Materials Needed: Maps of Utah and the South West US
(Topographic), enough games one for each group of 4.
Starter show these three maps have students mark were major
cities and land marks are using the too maps note even SLC is in a red zone how
do they get their water?
Game instructions: (basically like Settlers of Catan) Major change from original! Tiles not touching ore
cannot be collected until water has been shipped using canals with the
exception of wood. Settlements may be built on tiles without water but they
cannot collect the resources not touching ore until they have built a canal.
RESOURCES: settlers need resources to build roads,
settlements, cities, and canals. A card with what it takes to build is provided.
Each tile is given a number with witch determines when a resource is gathered
numbering 2-12 provability of a number being rolled is also indicated with 6
and 8 most likely and 7 being a wild (see robber). In this game only tile
touching Ore (mountains) and wood are revealed, due to the need for water in
dry valleys (see canals).
ROBBER: is in play when someone roles a 7 after the first
round, it can be used by the person that rolled it to block a resources then
you block some ones resources you also take a random resources card from them.
Players do not need to use the robber, and can leave him in the desert if desired.
CANALS: Canals are used to take water from the mountains
(ore) to the desert valleys, were sheep or wheat or brick may be produced. Canals can only support two settlements or
one city, canals add onto each other like roads but if more than two
settlements or cities are on one canal system another canal may be built
parallel to meet the demands of the growth, otherwise the settlement dries up
and no longer receives the resources. To build a canal it takes 1-Wood and 1-
Brick or 1-Ore
PLAY: Role to see who goes first. Place one settlement and
one road from settlement at an intersection of 3 tiles and then go clockwise
with each player doing the same. Go around twice, each player should have 2 settlements
with a road attached to each (settlements do not need to be near each other).
Also settlements must have at least 2 spaces between so that you could fit
2roads. Each player takes the 4-6 resource cards from the tiles that they built
their settlement on (at this time dry tiles collect as well).
TURN: Roll the dice each play collects resources according
to what tiles they are on and the corresponding numbers. The Player that rolled
can do the falling build (Road, Settlement, City, Canal, Development Card) or
barter with other players or trade in 3 of a kind for any one resource. When they cannot do any more they pass dice
to next player and repeat.
Ending the Game: If you have 10 or more victory points during your turn the game ends and you are the
winner! If you reach 10 points when it is not your turn, the game continues
until any player (including you) has 10 points on his turn.
are accumulated by 1pt –each
– each City
road (over 4 in length)
army (over 3 knights)
Recourse cards may accumulate pts.
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